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How to travel solo safely

Whether you’re treating yourself to a mountain lodge, booked into a 4* spa, a city escape, or planning solo dining, safety will be on your mind one way or another.

Solo travel can be a life-changing experience. If you haven’t done it yet, then you absolutely should. It’s one of the most unique opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth. But safety is key - you’re in a new location, on high alert, aware of your belongings and the people around you. Everything feels elevated and you quickly realise you need to look after yourself. Whether you’re treating yourself to a mountain lodge, booked into a 4* spa, a city escape, or planning solo dining, safety will be on your mind one way or another.

There’s some very simple ways to make sure your solo travel experience is safe. When you take small steps to improve your safety, it no longer takes over your mind, and you can truly experience the beauty of solo travel and take everything you can from it.


It sounds obvious, but tell friends, your boss, colleagues, family where you’re going. And shout about the fact you’re doing it solo. Send them your itinerary (even if it's loose), let them know what accommodation you’ll be at, and tell them your rough plans. It’s a huge back up.

Meeting new people

Okay so let’s address the fact that having a stranger approach you on the street, on a mountain, in a bar.. Can be terrifying, especially when alone and in a new town or city. The same facts apply to when you’re at home - be cautious of giving them all your details, where you’re staying, or what your daily plans are etc. But, not everyone has bad intentions and you can meet some incredible, like minded people in these situations. Trust your gut, have your guard up if needed, but let the conversation flow and overall, be open to people approaching you. You never know the positive impact a person could have - short or long term.

Hiking solo

Hiking solo is a subject in itself. Going for a walk or a mountain hike is 1000% achievable solo. In fact, some of the friendliest people you’ll meet are on the mountains. You’re all there for the same goal, same vision, same energy, same ethos. Hikers look after each other, which becomes ever more apparent when you’re solo hiking. You’ll never be in trouble if people are nearby. Put your headphones in, embrace the beauty, challenge yourself to get to the summit and guaranteed you’ll meet interesting people along the way.

Dining solo

You don’t always need to dine alone when travelling solo. If you want a night at home and to cook your own food to help with familiarity - be sure to book self service accommodation, with a kitchenette and kitchenware. It’s hugely helpful to making you feel at home, even when you’re not at home.

If you do dine solo, request a table at a bar if possible and tell the bar staff you’re dining solo. They will usually chat to you and look after you. It’s a big comfort and safety mechanism, while enjoying the food and environment you’re in.

Stay connected

Stay chatting to friends and family at home. Give them updates, send pictures. It helps you to feel safer and more connected.

Emergency numbers

Whichever country you’re going to - save the emergency numbers for fire, police & rescue in the notes app to your phone. You’ll hopefully never need them, but if you do then you’ll be glad they’re to hand.

Take time to invest in you

Remember why you’re solo travelling - whether it’s rest, relaxation, new experiences or to give back to yourself - stay true to that. It’s not a safety point, but remembering why you embarked on this adventure will help you to take everything you can from it.

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